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Here you can make a request for You Favourite Movies/TV Series.

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Note: Please don’t request more than 1 movie at a time. Multiple request comment will be ignored.
If movie already posted but links not working You can report here for dead links.

Usually we upload requested movie within 2 days but sometime it can take more time due to long queue.

Random Movies


  1. Gautam Sharma says:

    The Rally Movie

  2. Abhi says:

    Please upload american pie movies and horror sexy movies

    1. admin says:

      Done uploaded

  3. Mahour says:

    Hame tumse pyar kitna movie

    1. admin says:

      Uploaded now

  4. Dev says:

    Please upload all seasons and episodes of comicstaan in hd……

  5. Amaresh sanu says:

    Oxygen movie plz upload

    1. admin says:

      Hindi not released yet

  6. Reyajul says:

    Vinaya vidheya Rama. Mersal, sarkar, all Hindi dubbed please

    1. admin says:

      all these movies not released in Hindi yet

  7. Yogesh says:

    Please upload Geetha govindam Hindi dubbed movie

    1. admin says:

      Hindi not released yet

  8. Naresh mokani says:

    Sairat with song please upload the movie

  9. Manoj diwaker says:

    Pyar ka punchnama 1 please upload na check all sites and youtube i can’t find

      1. GULAHAN says:

        Hame tumse pyar kitna movie please uploud

        1. admin says:

          Done uploaded

  10. Raza says:

    Pleaze more and more holywood movies.

  11. Prasad navle says:

    Vicky Donar movie in hd plz

  12. Shubham Goyal says:

    Narendra Modi movie plss upload

    1. admin says:

      No cam sources available. will upload hd soon after digital release

  13. Anil Gupta says:

    PM Narendra Modi Movie plzzz upload

    1. admin says:

      No cam sources available. will upload hd soon after digital release

  14. Dilip says:

    Vinaya vidheya movie in hindi

    1. admin says:

      Hindi not released yet

  15. Chinmaya malik says:

    Pasipic rim hindi dubbed movie ka link snd karo plzz

    1. admin says:

      Done uploaded now

  16. Ramu says:

    ROBOT 2

      1. Faiyaz alam says:

        HD Quality

  17. Devraj dahal says:

    Fast and furious all

    1. admin says:

      Done uploaded

  18. Parthsarthi says:

    Kabir Singh in good quality please!

  19. Sumit says:

    Jumani all series please upload

    1. admin says:

      Done uploaded Jumanji 2017

  20. Rafi ud deen says:

    Kanchana 3 in hindi

    1. admin says:

      Hindi dubbed not released

  21. Rafi ud deen says:

    Johnny english strike again in hindi

    1. admin says:

      Hindi not released yet

  22. Rahul says:

    davi 2 movie hindi dubbed

    1. admin says:

      not released

  23. Salman says:

    Dev dd kb tk aaega

  24. MD IMRAN PATHAN says:

    Nice app 9x

  25. Vaibhav says:


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